Get Your Sass Back, Girl!
Unleash the new you
One day personal transformation retreat
for women who are ready to step out of the old and into the new
Saturday, March 19th
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Pinehurst, North Carolina
with Your Personal Champion Coach, Veronica Karaman
Spring is in the air, and it's time to shake off that winter weight and blues! The fresh start you're yearning for and are ready to awaken to has finally arrived--and you don't have to do it alone! It's time to arise and claim your second blossoming along with a company of other aspiring women!
Congratulations for mastering serving, surrendering, and submitting---and now it's time for you to shine---and get your sass back, girl!
If you have gone through a season of setback, loss, caretaking, caregiving, or childraising--or if you just want to experience a spurt of personal growth again and exude the beauty that you know is yours to behold, please join us for an unforgettable day of transformation.
In this workshop you will:
- Launch your Sass Back season and create your new story
- Understand how change happens and how you have the power to change your reality
- Discover the #1 decision you must make to step into your future now!
- Connect to your power to consciously create the life you desire
- Get in touch with and begin to unlock your dormant dreams---it's not too late, girl!
- Connect with other sassy women who will support your personal growth.
- Receive a Sassy Bonus mp3 audio download on creating the new you! Perfect for a pre-workshop warm-up!
Accomplish more in one day than in months on your own.
“The best place for transformation to take place is in a safe emotional environment where women are free to open up and share their vulnerable self. It is also the most powerful place to reveal who we really are, have others speak the truth in love to us, and empower us to connect to our most authentic selves. It doesn’t have to take long for the spirit-to-spirit connection to take place, although it may take a long time for us to come to a point of change in our lives. This retreat is for women who are ready to receive and give nurture to others in the context of openness and true community, and in doing so, let go of limiting beliefs and mindsets. It’s for women who want to exchange their reality for a fresh start and authentic sense of self. Together we will carve out a new space for you to dance on. It’s totally possible for you to arise right in the midst of your impossible place. Mom did! She was given a 6 month death sentence at 85, but by God's grace and the power of coaching, we re-wrote her legacy running strong all the way to the finish line traveling, speaking, golfing, learning, laughing, and inspiring others for 7 fulfilling years! I will be sharing those same powerful dynamics of a new life with you because it’s now time for you!"
Veronica Karaman, Head Coach,
True Champion Coaching
“I’ve experienced a new dimension of living in the last two years that is more fulfilling, joyful, and impactful that ever before. Having experienced that, I’m excited to come alongside Veronica, my colleague and friend, in this retreat to help other women discover their most authentic self and create the life of influence they dream of and deserve.”
Vanessa Horn, Business Coach,
9:30 to 10:00 am | Registration and Networking |
10:00 to 11:30 am | SESSION I: Stepping Out of the Old |
11:30 to 12:30 | SESSION II: Sassy Transformation Conversations |
12:30 to 1:30 | Lunch (on your own at the hotel restaurant) |
1:30 to 2:30 | SESSION III: Stepping into the New |
2:30 to 3:00 | Reflection and personal transformation exercise |
3:00 to 3:30 | SESSION IV: Sassy Transformation Conversations |
3:30 to 4:30 | SESSION V: Stepping Stones to an Enduring New You: |
Registration includes: 5 Transformational coaching sessions, special sassy gift, Bonus Mp3 audio download, instruction notes, networking opportunity
Workshop location:
Mid Pines Inn and Golf Club
1010 Midland Road
Southern Pines, NC 28387
See you there!
I believe in you.
Veronica Karaman
757-407-1907 cell
BONUS: Be one of the first 20 to sign up and enter a drawing to win a complimentary one-on-one coaching session with Veronica. A $300 value!

Your payment is processed on our secure servers.

(Please feel free to bring your own lunch, if you like.)
Registration deadline: March 14
Late registartion: $107

Veronica Karaman, Your Personal Champion Coach
True Champion Coaching, Founder
The founder of True Champion Coaching, Veronica Karaman's passion for the last 25 years has been helping people to get in touch with their most authentic self and to live powerfully from that place--releasing the true champion within. A graduate of Duke University and Regent University, Veronica began her professional career as tour player and golf instructor. Her career highlight was playing in the 1989 Women's U.S. Open. She now brings her champion mind-sets from sports into her life-coaching and personal leadership practice empowering people to live with fresh focus, passion, and joy. She has personally trained over 6,000 students to be academic champions, through her widely acclaimed curriculum called God's Way to an A. After helping her mother to blossom late in life, she also loves to equip senior women to re-discover themselves in their second blossoming, and help families make fresh joyful generational connections. A nationally renowned speaker and author, Veronica currently resides in Pinehurst, North Carolina where she still loves to wack the ball, and help others to play their best game on the fairway, in the classroom, and in life!
Veronica Karaman, Personal Champion Coach
True Champion Coaching, Founder