Celebrate Mother’s Day with a
Mother-Daughter Golf Clinic
Saturday, May 15
12:00 – 2:30 PM
Taste and See that Golf is Good—
And Create a Fun Mother-Daughter Memory
Gift Certificates Available
All mother-daughter ages welcome!
Join Veronica Karaman, Golf Professional and Life Coach for 2 hours of fun, sista’-ship, and learning the wonderful life-long game of golf. We will work on full swing, putting, and chipping—and have some fun competitions.
Hear Veronica’s inspirational story of teaching her Mom (now in heaven) on how to play golf at 85, and how this estranged Mother-daughter created a perfect friendship on the course!
Location: Knight’s Play Golf Course 2512 Ten Ten Rd., Apex, (919-303-4653)
Fee: Only $65 per mother-daughter team
Click the button to pay on-line! OR send a check to: Veronica Karaman
215 Sylvia Lane, Cary, NC 27511
Clubs: Available upon request (let us know upon registration if you need clubs.)
Registration deadline: May 13
Questions, call Veronica at 377-2099 or email at veronica@truechampioncoaching.com
Hope to see you there!
All FORE Him,
Veronica Karaman